Monday, August 2, 2010


When I finally reached our boarding house, after being on a plane from midnight, until 6am, having a six hour stop over in the airport and then catching our connecting flight back to school, all I could think of was the millions of people currently being forced into prostitution and human trafficking. I asked my dorm parent if I could schedule a meeting with her about doing a fundraiser, and sure enough, forty minutes later I was walking into her office. To my surprise she agreed…brilliant! I had one person on my side! So the next day I had a quick meeting with the dorm chaplain, and of course she was all for it, and being the brilliant person that she is, she went one step further and designed us a wicked little logo!

So that Friday night I sat up until midnight, and typed a ten page report on Human Trafficking, and included our proposal to do a fundraiser to raise awareness. I went around and talked to all the girls about our fundraising idea, I was so excited when they all signed a form to say they were willing to participate!

So on Tuesday the 27th of July, I walked into my principles office with my ten page report in one hand, my folder full of information in the other, and my friend Loz by my side.
To cut a long story short…he said YES! He only has to convince the rest of the staff to go through with the idea and then we’re good!


So what are we actually doing for this fundraiser?
We’re going to do a walkathon! My boarding house, with its 39 normal teenage girls, is going to walk 21 kilometres to the neighbouring town.

Yep...we’re actually going to do it!

We’re going to call our fundraising ventures ‘Girls for Girls’ (hence the title of my blog), because when you break it down, when you bring everything back to the start…it’s about us for them…Girls for Girls!

Love EmmieRed xox

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