Monday, November 1, 2010



So it’s been a while since I last blogged but between completing my HSC and organising things from our school Exo Day, the chapel devotion on our last day of school and of course the Girls for Girls walkathon – I have been incredibly busy!


On the 15th of September 2010, 35 girls departed our boarding house in Walla Walla and headed over to Culcairn to begin the walk. We met a lady from the local newspaper and did a quick interview before setting out on the walk.

It was a very long 20 kilometres….but very worth it! We also justified our sore legs and bruised feet by trying to imagine what girl’s who are being trafficked must be going through…and then our big blisters didn’t seem so big anymore.

As I was in charge, it was my job to walk back along the line of girl’s and make sure everything was ok. Once I had reached the end of the line, I then had to run back up to the front where I would walk for a couple more kilometres before doing it all over again. And while this wasn’t a problem when the girl’s were only within the space of about 200 metres, once they had managed to stretch themselves out over a kilometre…I promptly gave up.

We stopped for afternoon tea which consisted of lollies and biscuits (we discovered that much of our lollie stash had been depleted by the support staff in our support cars).

By the time we reached our final destination we were tired and hungry, but we had done it! A group of normal teenage girls had completed the first ever girls for girls walkathon.

Our support cars were fantastic! They were incredibly patient with the girl’s and we wouldn’t have been able to do it with out them.

I counted the money a few days ago and we were aiming to raise $1000 for A21; however, when I counted we had easily reached $1394.85 – which was still increasing.

Thank you to the people who sponsored us – your generosity was brilliant.

Well this might be over and out for a little while – University beckons!

However, I will be blogging again in the future, as the universal declaration of human rights is still being violated, girls are still being used as sex slaves across the globe and 27 million people remain captive…out of sight…and out of mind.

Until next time…

Love EmmieRed


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